
Optimization & Costs / CO2 Emission Estimation | Result

Both optimization methods have one thing in common. At the end of the process, they provide you with a list of model mutations from the stored data. Here you can find the details of the controlling optimization result and the associated value assignment of the optimization parameters. This list is organized in descending order. You can find the assumed best solution shown in the first line. For this, the optimization result with its determined value assignment is closest to the optimization criterion. All add-on results have a utilization < 1. Furthermore, once the analysis is completed, the program will adjust the value assignment to that of the optimal solution for the optimization parameters in the global parameter list.

In the material dialog boxes, you can find the additional tabs "Cost Estimation" and "Estimation of CO2 Emissions". They show you the individual estimated sums of the assigned members, surfaces, and solids per unit weight, volume, and area. Furthermore, these tabs show the total cost and emission of all assigned materials. This gives you a good overview of your project.